Keep the campaign pushing forwards

Coventry City FC’s Cyrus Christie signed our petition today and The Sun’s Jane Moore retweeted our link.The Children’s Commission have been in touch and Coventry Mums are now on board too.

Thank you to everyone who is working hard to get this campaign out there – keep going, we are closing at a fantastic 9,050 signatures tonight.

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By |August 11th, 2013| petition|0 Comments

Daniel Pelka: What have we learned?

The case of Daniel Pelka, killed by his mother and her partner after a tragically short life filled with violence and cruelty, has walked with me into my quiet hours, and I imagine, many of yours.

I spent much of Friday talking to the media about the case. Rightly, most interviews I participated in did not demand that heads should roll, rather, there was broad agreement that we must wait for the Serious Case Review for details of who saw what, when, who raised issues to whom, and who acted – or did not act – to keep Daniel safe, and in the end, alive.

Daniel’s case was described as similar to those we quote to sum up the horror of a child dying in carers’ hands.  Four names: Jasmine Beckford; Victoria Climbie; Kyra Ishaq; and Peter Connelly were cited as awful examples from previous years, along with the question, ‘how could […]

By |August 9th, 2013|Fellow campaigners|0 Comments

Daniel Pelka trial: Council officials missed 26 chances to save murdered four-year-old

We need enough signatures to have influence when the serious case review reports.

Daniel’s case is horribly reminiscent of Baby Peter – did the recommendations of the Baby P serious case review go far enough and were they fully implemented? It seems impossible to tell.

Please keep pushing the campaign for Daniel’s Law.

In the Mirror: Daniel Pelka trial: Council officials missed 26 chances to save murdered four-year-old

By |August 7th, 2013|In the papers|0 Comments

Photos: Campaign for ‘Daniel’s Law’ to protect vulnerable children like murdered Coventry boy

Thousands sign online petition demanding a law forcing teachers to take action if they suspect a child is being abused.

Thousands of people have backed a campaign calling on the law to be changed to protect vulnerable children like Daniel Pelka. Campaigners want a “good Samaritan” law which would make it illegal for teachers not to step in if they suspected a pupil was being mistreated. Already more than 3,000 people have signed a petition supporting “Daniel’s Law”.

Paula Barrow, from Manchester, set up the petition after being deeply affected by the Coventry schoolboy’s story.

The mother-of-two said: “I’m not looking to blame anyone – I just want to do something that may prevent this happening again. “There must be something we can do. I know there’s a law in France because photographers were prosecuted for not helping when Princess Diana died. “I did some research and there are 35 countries with a […]

By |August 7th, 2013|In the papers|0 Comments

Peter Garsden – Daniel Pelka deserves better. The law needs to change – Mandatory Reporting

Comparing notes with Peter Garsden, who is also campaigning to change the law:

Yet another tragic child death – Climbiee, Baby P, and now poor Daniel Pelka. This time the authorities say they were conned by the parents, yet there were obvious signs of abuse which were missed. Both parents were on drugs, and probably didn’t know what they were doing.
Whilst cases of child deaths caused by parents are rare – less than 100 per year, inevitably they attract headlines, raw emotions, demands for heads to roll etc. In the case of Baby P the head of social services at Harringey was dismissed in a rather hurried fashion after the political involvement of Ed Balls, then succeeded in proving unfair dismissal with an award of compensation.

If there had been a mandatory reporting obligation at the time, then it would have been possible to prosecute someone for failure to report signs of the […]

By |August 5th, 2013|Fellow campaigners|0 Comments

Daniel Pelka’s parents aren’t the only ones to blame – so why is no one accountable?

Kids like him haven’t just been let down by their own flesh and blood but by every organisation that exists to protect them

The story is always the same. It’s just the faces that change. Those sad, desperate, haunted little faces that have been smashed and battered by monsters who call themselves parents. These children haven’t just been let down by their own flesh and blood but by every organisation that exists to protect them – the police, social services, the health service, the education system.

So why is no one in these organisations ever to blame for the ever-increasing toll of dead infants? Why is no one ever punished or held responsible?

Children continue to die afraid and in agony because the people paid to protect them just close ranks and say “not our fault guv”. And instead of learning from their mistakes, instead of spending their time trying to stop any […]

By |August 4th, 2013|In the papers|0 Comments